If you are facing criminal charges, don't sit around in your cell waiting for the next step – give us a call and let us get you out of jail fast.
If you get arrested and put in jail, the court has the option of giving you bail. This is an amount of money you can pay to get you out of jail with the expectation that you will return on the appointed day for your court hearing.
The amount of your bail will be determined by several factors including your past criminal history and the charge you are currently facing. This amount could be relatively small, but it could also be in the thousands of dollars.
Instead of trying to scrape together that much money just to get you out of jail, you can secure a bail bond. This bond represents your intent to return for your court date and is posted by a bail bondsman. In return, you pay a fee of 12% of the bail amount.
Criminal charges are not convenient, but your ability to get out of jail fast is. You can get in touch with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to come to the jail and post your bond. Whether you have been in jail a few times before or this is your first experience, you want to get out as fast as you can. Look to us for fast, reliable service and the LOWEST RATES in the area so you can get back out into the real world and figure out your next step.
Give us a call when you need us,
24 hours a day 7 days a week.